Roz knorr who is

Logging in Remember me. Log in. Forgot password or user name? This is a sticky topic. Posts Latest Activity Photos. Page of Filtered by:. Previous 1 31 71 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 91 template Next. Originally posted by Koola View Post. Comment Post Cancel. You know when a joke is that long, the joke is actually on you by way of a really lame punchline.

And I wasn't wrong, I just skipped to the end. The last joke like that I heard had the punchline "People in grass houses shouldn't stow thrones". So when do i get that hour of my life back? Wost joke evar. Cap'n James Originally posted by Mr John View Post. When due process fails us, we really do live in a world of terror. Originally posted by Melchior View Post.

Captain Starfish. Remember the gym renewal letter by the power of greyskull , the migrating ducks in the apartment, the 7 legged spider and the housewarming party?

Ja, I'm slow - but finally found their home Go Away Giggles. No such artistic license, however, has been applied to the email exchange. Roz Knorr, a pseudonym I will assume unless she is part Klingon, does not like Adelaide.

Or perhaps it is just me. Or men in general. She certainly doesn't like my website and seems to have missed the point that there are plenty of other websites discussing sweat shop children and how man has ravaged Mother Earth. Sometimes it is nice to have a pointless distraction. We can't spend every waking hour kissing trees and throwing paint at women wearing fur coats. Roz obviously missed the entry page telling her to go away. I should probably make the type larger or change it to read 'Attention women golfers, move along, nothing to see.

Adelaide International Airport. Frewville McDonald's. Home of the "Pay for 6, get 2" deal. Average Adelaide home. Balls are touching. You cant even write well. Thats the result of the sub standard backwards schools in Adelaide.

Writing about monkeys and children starving. Spend a few nights with the Salvos feeding the homeless so you can write about that and at least people will go to your site and learn something loser. Little dick typical male. Face it when it comes to Adelaide it is full of dumb backwards hick arseholes that are totally devoid of social consciousness or culture. I apologise for the delay in replying. As you mentioned, Adelaide is a tad behind other cities not only in regards to consciousness and culture but also technology.

Your email was received by Adelaide's only computer, a housed in the public library powered by a duck on a treadmill, before being relayed to me by Morse code. Should you wish to contact me direct next time, my home number is dot dot dash dot dash dot dot dash. Regards, David. You just proved my point. Your reply shows what a bacwards hick you and everyone who lives in Adelaide is.

Poor Adeliade. No culture and no class. Accidents happen all the time, so much cheaper in Adelaide. One phone call Recently, I set up a stall at a women's golfing convention with a banner stating "Punch me in the head for one dollar.

Tax free. With the money raised, I intend to buy a bigger stall for next year's convention. It must be nice to own several homes all over the planet. For many years I dreamt of experiencing the culture of Paris until I realised there would probably be a lot of French people there.

They should do something about that. Contrary to your statement regarding Adelaide having no culture though, there is actually a large and thriving artistic community here but very little art is produced due mainly to the artists spending all their time displaying their scarves to each other and attending gallery exhibitions for the free alcohol, food and the chance to wash their armpits in the venue's bathroom.

You are a bunch of inbred filthy convicts and are all a bunch of no hoppers.


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