Should i lease a gti

What kind of rates are you getting on the S3? I think you MAY be able to do a little better if you find the right dealer trying to make sales numbers. Tough to argue with doing the MSDs. I still need a reality check. I understand all of the numbers given as examples here on this forum, and that some can be modified and skewed to make an end result look any way the dealer wants it to look, but if you use a lease calculator of the many out there and punch in the MSRP, the negotiated price, the money factor, the residual, the the term, the mileage, the down payment if any , the costs lic.

Why is it then the numbers do not compute? I would say this reflects an excellent deal:. Perhaps the dealer is quoting you a selling price under the condition you finance the car at high interest rates. OK, thank you sir. Some important rules to be aware of:. Starting MSRP. Starting Lease. Overall Rating. Fuel Efficiency. Safety Technology. All Reviews. Its fun to drive and has great mpg. Rummy New member. Not only did I essentially lose my down payment, I found myself with negative equity in the vehicle when I wanted to get rid of it.

If you have the means, I would highly recommend buying either new or used before leasing. While it may require a little more down, it means that your monthly payments are building towards something, and not getting flushed away. The only situation where I see leasing as being viable is when you have an extremely high income and want to keep swapping cars every couple years. My realtor, for example, leases a new GS F Sport every three years. Sent from my LG-H using Tapatalk.

Location Atl. Location St. More info on this? Is it like BMW's "Select" financing. From their website: "BMW Select is an innovative retail balloon financing product that combines lower monthly payments and the security of vehicle ownership.

You make low monthly payments during your selected term and then reach a decision point: 1. You can complete your vehicle purchase by making a final balloon payment. You can refinance the balloon payment amount. BMW Select is a good alternative if you prefer the benefits of vehicle ownership and a low monthly payment". Rummy said:. I found myself with negative equity in the vehicle when I wanted to get rid of it.

ElectricEye Drag Racing Champion. Location Central NJ. Some good rational advice from the posters above. There's nothing wrong with leasing per say, I've done it and I know many people who have done it as well. It doesn't usually make the best long term financial sense though.

They're heavily discounted, even before negotiations.


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