Sims 2 how long do elders live

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Forgot your username or password? Since retirement can be a major want , it's recommended that they retire. A retired Sim's weekly pension will be half the weekly salary of the job he or she retired from, and the Sim will receive one-seventh of that each day. A retired Sim who takes a part-time job will keep his or her pension; the part-time job will be shown in a second tab on the job panel.

Elder Sims with part-time jobs cannot retire from those jobs. If an elder lives a good life and has a platinum aspiration bar at the time of death by old age, they will get a special gravestone marked with their aspiration symbol.

A household consisting only of elders can be created. However, if there is a toddler , child , or teen in the household being created, then an adult must be created. Elders are not included in The Sims Pet Stories. Sims like Patrizio Monty and Isabella Monty look like elders, but are still technically adults since it is possible to change their looks and make them "younger". Elder returns as a life stage in The Sims 3. It is the seventh and final life stage. As in the previous game, elder is the final life stage before death , and represent Sims beyond retirement age.

Elder Sims appear somewhat hunched over, walk slowly and take slightly longer to complete tasks than younger Sims. By default, elder Sims have grey hair upon aging up from the adult stage, but they can still dye it by using the Change Appearance interaction with a mirror if the player chooses to do so. As in The Sims 2 , elders have fewer clothes available to them than adults. Female elders can no longer become pregnant, but male elders can still father children with adult and young adult female Sims.

Elders still have the option to adopt children. Unlike other life stages in The Sims 3 , the elder stage does not have a set length and can be prolonged through means other than eating Ambrosia.

Rather than having a bar on the Simology panel that indicates the number of days left until they age up, the bar for an elder Sim shows the total number of days that the Sim has lived for. On the normal lifespan setting, elders will always live to be at least 90 days old, resulting in the elder stage lasting for a minimum of 16 days before death becomes a possibility. Elder Sims with the Vegetarian trait will live slightly longer than other Sims, as will those that have completed the Marathon Runner challenge at some point in their lives.

At the end of the elder stage, Sims will die of old age. If an elder Sim is part of a household that is otherwise composed of nothing but babies , toddlers or children , the other members of the household will be relocated to new homes when the elder's death is imminent.

As in earlier games in the series, elder Sims can retire from their job and receive a pension. Retirement allows Sims take life a bit easier, and enjoy the time they have left without having to work. This option, however, can put the Sim at a noticeable financial disadvantage to Sims that continue to work in some cases. As a result, retirement may not always be the best choice, though this is entirely up to the player to decide.

Unlike in The Sims 2 and The Sims Stories , elder Sims are able to join new careers rather than being restricted to part-time jobs. Sims' lifespan can be set in the options menu of The Sims 3 that determines how long a Sim's natural life will be. As always, the Sim may die a premature, unnatural death , regardless of this setting. The player can lengthen a Sim's lifespan in game without altering game settings by having them eat a Life Fruit restores one day or Ambrosia resets days to age up , drink a Fountain of Youth Elixir sets life stage to first day of young adult , become a Vegetarian or a creature like a mummy or a vampire , who live a number of days longer than a normal Sim.

Aging can also be turned off in the options menu to stop every Sim in town from aging. Drinking Age Freeze potion will disable aging of an individual Sim, regardless the aging option. With Generations or patch 22 , the length of each life stage can be adjusted individually. The length ranges from the Short lifespan to Epic:. Pets cats , dogs , horses [ TS3:P ] also have their own lifespan, and like Sims, each of their life stage can be adjusted individually.


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