Cormorant colonies have degraded many island habitats, forcing other animals to move on. Anglers know them as the bird whose numbers blew up in the s after tapping into a nearly bottomless supply of the invasive alewife.
Questions were designed to determine the strength of knowledge and attitudes toward cormorants and their management. Results of the study showed that anglers were most likely to dislike cormorants, believing strongly that sport fish populations are being depleted by these birds. Although it is well established that wild birds, such as cormorants, carry virulent avian paramyxovirus serotype 1 APMV-1; causative agent of Newcastle disease and avian influenza virus AIV , the prevalence of these viruses among Double-crested Cormorants Phalacrocorax auritus in the Great Lakes region of North ….
That measure allowed state, tribal, and federal wildlife agencies to kill cormorants to protect wild fish populations and fish at government hatcheries, and to prevent nesting or roosting birds from degrading habitat. However, natural resource professionals have long recognized the ecological value of all wildlife, and cormorants are no exception. For example, as an upper trophic-level predator in aquatic systems, cormorants are useful indicators of environmental pollution and may contribute to limiting invasive prey populations.
Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Press ESC to cancel. Skip to content Home Engineering Do you eat cormorants? Ben Davis March 13, They are usually dark brown with grayish or whitish coloring on their chest and belly.
There are five subspecies of double-crested cormorants. These subspecies are different in size and the color and shape of their crests. Hatch and Weseloh, ; Pearson, Double-crested cormorants breed across North America, as far north as southern Alaska.
They winter in North America as far south as Sinaloa, Mexico, and are common on marine and inland waters throughout their range. Hatch and Weseloh, ; Pearson, ; Perrins, Double-crested cormorants are found in a variety of marine and inland aquatic habitats.
They require water for feeding and nearby perches, such as rocks, sandbars, pilings, shipwrecks, wires, trees or docks for resting on and drying out during the day. Hatch and Weseloh, Cormorants are monogamous and breed in colonies of up to three thousand pairs. Males also perform elaborate courtship dances, including dances in the water where they present the female with nest material.
After forming a pair, double-crested cormorants lose their crests. Double-crested cormorants do not defend a large territory around the nest. They defend a small area immediately around the nest that is less than one meter in diameter.
Hatch and Weseloh, ; Landsborough, ; Pearson, ; Perrins, Double-crested cormorants breed between April and August. The males arrive at the breeding colony first and chose a nest site. Then they advertise for a mate. The male and female work together to repair an old nest or to build a new one.
Nests are built of sticks, twigs, vegetation and whatever else the cormorants can find lying around. This can include rope, fishnet, buoys and deflated balloons. The male brings most of the material to the female who builds the nest. She also guards it from neighboring cormorants who try to steal the nest materials.
Nests are usually built on the ground, but are sometimes built in trees. After the nest is finished, the female lays 1 to 7 usually 4 pale bluish-white eggs with a chalky coating. The eggs are laid 1 to 3 days apart. Both parents incubate the eggs, which hatch after 25 to 28 days.
The newly hatched young are altricial, and are cared for by both parents. Both parents feed the chicks regurgitated food. The young begin to leave the nest when they are 3 to 4 weeks old. They can fly at about 6 weeks and dive at 6 to 7 weeks. The chicks become completely independent of their parents by 10 weeks of age. Mike Freeze is the owner of Keo Fish Farm, a 1,acre hybrid striped bass and triploid grass carp farm located in central Arkansas. I recently spoke with Mike and asked him what kind of impact these birds have on his aquaculture operation.
I must dedicate at least two employees full time and many more on a part-time basis to try and scare away the wave after wave of cormorants that descend upon us.
Notice I said scare, because it is physically impossible to impact their actual numbers. Besides the cost of men, vehicles, fuel, etc. This is a massive defense effort. To assist fish farmers, the U. Department of Agriculture has issued a Cormorant Depredation Order which is in effect for 13 states.
For the private landowner, the best tactic is to harass the birds until they leave and go to another lake. How much damage can cormorants do to a fish population? One study in New York showed that a large population of cormorants was devastating the game fish population, including the smallmouth bass fishery on Lake Ontario.
The study found that the cormorants were consuming 1. Most of this 1. Jack said that the year before, he had let his employees off from the first of December until after the new year, since this was a slow time for fish sales and the weather was very cold.
He noticed the flocks of cormorants but did not feel overly concerned. Jerry said that based on their counts there are at least 25, birds that stay in the catfish farming area of west Alabama, and 65, that stay in the fish farming area of Mississippi.
This does not include the cormorants that are on the public waterways in the rest of these states. Do the math. Whether cormorants are eating forage fish or sport fish, it has a negative effect on the fish population, which results in poor angler harvest. Worse yet, many of these birds are beginning to nest here in the South rather than migrating back to their traditional breeding sites in the North. Feist said they know of at least six nesting sites on Lake Guntersville alone.
At the nesting and roosting sites cormorants have such a high amount of fecal droppings that it kills vegetation. In areas where they consistently roost, almost all of the trees will be killed due to the droppings.
Think about this. If you go fishing without a license or catch one bass over the limit, you can be arrested. But if 1, cormorants move in, they are protected by the U. Fish and Wildlife Service. In summary, there are only a few things the private landowner can do to protect his fish population from this villain from the sky. First, observe your lake every week from November through March to see if any cormorants appear.
Cormorant droppings are very toxic. The trees that they roost in WILL die because the cormorants land there. If this is what it does to trees then what must it be doing to the water? If there are no small fish left very common then these birds will attack fish that are far too large for them to swallow, but injure and leave them dying.
Cormorants DO NOT only kill for food, I have seen and photographed fish that have been badly injured, that will die of their injuries. These fish are far too large for a cormorant to eat, some of the evidence is on this site. Now we suspect that we know why divers saw many dead fish on the bottom of the River Trent a few years ago, when there was no detectable pollution present, they may have died of shock whilst being attacked.
Left alone your fishery will be decimated by these birds. If you see only occasional cormorants on your river or lake this does not mean that you do not have a major problem with fish stocks. The cormorants may have already been on your river and left with your fish stocks, only to return just as the fish populations are trying to recover. The cormorant invasion of our fisheries is an environmental disaster that is happening before our very eyes.
Cormorants will grab larger fish and shake them. Cormorants attack all fish of the sizes that anglers fish for. They can only swallow the smaller ones, but all fish were small once. The cormorant is a very common bird and is not in anyway an endangered species - unlike our fish. Cormorants breed at three years of age and can live twenty years.
Cormorants have no natural predators in the UK to control their numbers. Cormorants do not respect any 'closed season'. If fish that are left in a water do manage to find each other in order to shoal up and breed, one strike by a cormorant would be enough to break up the shoal and severely interfere with the fishes' breeding cycle.
All of these facts point to the results of an alien species being present, this is what happens when a non-native creature becomes established. This is still the case weather you have the European cormorant nesting in a colony or if you have the saltwater cormorant sea crows on your waters stealing your fish.