What do prevailing winds cause

Sometimes wind data is displayed as a wind rose plot. A wind rose plot indicates the frequency of wind blowing from each direction. The longest ray points in the direction the wind has been recorded most often over a period of time. Start by choosing your state, and then nearest city to view a wind rose NOTE: open the. See how winds can change in a location from month to month, or more commonly, season to season. Here is a comparison of a wind rose depicting weather patterns in Athens, GA for the month of January and August.

The strength and direction of prevailing winds are helpful to understand and plan for when deciding tree species and planting locations. Properly chosen tree species will withstand any prevailing wind issues in your location.

Well placed trees will reduce the impact of any cooling winter winds. They may also reduce the amount of cooling summer winds too however. Care should be taken to speak with a professional arborist or urban forester about options available to you in your given location.

This creates the Ferrel cells of Figure 1. The final regions are at the poles, from 60 degrees latitude to 90 degrees latitude. This wind cools towards the poles and sinks to the surface, and recirculates. This creates what is known as the Polar Hadley cell or Polar cell.

The video from Keith Meldahl [5] below illustrates each of the described winds, along with a visualization of each. Fossil Fuels. Nuclear Fuels. Acid Rain. Climate Change. Climate Feedback.

Ocean Acidification. Prevailing winds are the predominant surface winds in an area. Prevailing winds move in one direction. However, there are also high-altitude winds that stretch from the poles to equator that we are not generally aware of at the surface. Air masses do not move directly from the equator to the poles or the poles to the equator. Instead, they only travel about a third of the way before looping back. A circulation cell is a path of air circulation that forms a closed loop.

There are three circulation cells—and three prevailing wind belts associated with them—that span the distance from the equator to each pole. There are three circulation cells: the Hadley cell nearest the equator, the Ferrel cell in the mid-latitudes, and the polar cell.

There are three prevailing wind belts associated with these cells: the trade winds, the prevailing westerlies, and the polar easterlies Fig. Similar circulation cells form in the Southern Hemisphere, producing the same characteristic surface wind patterns. The winds in each of the southern circulation cells are known by the same names as those in the north.

The bulk of air mass movement and transfer of solar heat energy occurs in the Hadley circulation cells located directly north and south of the equator.

The sun warms the tropical ocean and causes evaporation of seawater into water vapor in the air. At the equator, hot air saturated with water vapor, a low-pressure system, rises and moves at a high altitude toward the North and South Poles. As the water vapor rises it forms clouds. This is why the tropics get a lot of rain Fig.

The high-altitude air from the tropics gradually becomes cool, dry, and denser as it flows from the tropics to higher latitudes.

The trade wind belt blows towards the equator from the northeast in the Northern Hemisphere due to the combined effects of the Coriolis effect and the global north-south patterns of atmospheric circulation Fig. At each pole, a cold polar air mass creates a region of high air pressure. The rotational speed of the polar air mass as it travels towards the equator is slower than the rotational speed of the land and water beneath it.

The cold air mass cannot keep up with the rotating earth. Therefore, air flowing from the North Pole towards the equator produces cold, surface-level winds that blow from the northeast toward the southwest.

These winds are called the polar easterlies. Winds are named by the direction from which they blow. As the polar easterlies move toward the equator, they become warmer and less dense.


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