While organic gardeners may disagree, studies have concluded the benefits of companion planting are imaginary. Dennis Pittinzer of the UC Riverside Cooperative Extension advises gardeners to choose flower varieties resistant to nematodes rather than relying on companion planting. Flowering bulbs and below-ground vegetables are to be planted during the dark of the moon--the other part of the month. The th edition is available now. Another folk tale holds that talking to your plants is beneficial.
Floral designer Olive List, an Altadena gardener transplanted from New Zealand, talks to her plants regularly. Olive can even coax fuchsias to flourish, a formidable accomplishment in the San Gabriel Valley. Good fortune will result from the harmonious placement of trees, house and water. Feng-shui dictates that a house should be located facing south with no straight path leading to the front door.
A most important corollary is to NOT have a large tree directly in front of the doorway. The tree interferes with the forces bringing wealth to the household. Because large trees in some San Gabriel Valley cities were being cut down by new owners, several communities recently passed tree preservation ordinances.
Canadian-born Sue Baumann of Pasadena says beating trees to encourage them to bear fruit is a folk practice that comes from both European and Mexican traditions.
Gardening is a personal pursuit and the methods that make you more effective and give you pleasure are the ones you should continue using. While nostalgia for the practices of the past is no substitute for current gardening know-how, not everything worth knowing about gardening can be found in our modern garden books. All Sections. About Us. B2B Publishing. Business Visionaries. Hot Property. Times Events.
Times Store. Toss the entire banana peel into the central core of the fern, into the basin of foliage on the top of the plant cluster. Massive ferns, those wider than 3 feet in diameter, may benefit if two peels are provided. Cut the banana peel with a paring knife into smaller sized pieces to better fit or nestle into the foliage basin if the staghorn fern is small and mounted on a trunk or wood lath plaque.
Allow the banana peel to naturally decay in the staghorn fern. Natural rainfall or irrigation sprinkler spray can continue to shower the fern as the nutrients from the peel are absorbed gradually by the plant. Supplement the nutrients provided by the banana peel's degradation with a slow-release granular fertilizer that is well balanced, such as a formula, with micronutrients. Consult the fertilizer product label for a list of micronutrients. Sprinkle 1 tsp. Surprisingly, one of the things staghorn ferns like to eat the most is banana peels.
Banana peels are rich in potassium, which is a nutrient staghorn ferns need to stay healthy. Water your staghorn fern once per week. In the summer you may need to increase this to twice per week. Just be careful you do not overwater your staghorn, which is a commonly made mistake. Feed your staghorn fern a fish emulsion fertilizer.
This organic fertilizer is used on tropical plants like the staghorn fern, and is on the milder side. Follow the fish emulsion fertilizer instructions to apply it to your fern. Repeat once per month to give your staghorn fern the nutrients it needs. Set the peel from a banana down in between the moss and the board it is mounted on. Staghorn ferns don't need to eat banana peels too often so just feed the fern one banana a month.