Learn More About huckleberry. Time Traveler for huckleberry The first known use of huckleberry was in See more words from the same year. Style: MLA. Kids Definition of huckleberry. More from Merriam-Webster on huckleberry Britannica. Get Word of the Day daily email!
Test Your Vocabulary. Test your vocabulary with our question quiz! Doc Holliday : I'm your huckleberry. Doc Holliday : Why, Johnny Ringo, you look like somebody just walked over your grave. Is it Im your huckleberry or Huckle bearer? But today I learned that a huckle is the handle on a casket, and that a huckle bearer was another name for what we now call a pall bearer, which would have been slang at the time meaning that he would take Ringo to the grave.
The line is "I'm your huckleberry. Why does Doc say I'll be damned at the end of Tombstone? In the movie tombstone, why does Doc Holliday say "now this is funny" while looking at his feet when he dies? He got into gun fights because he didn't want to die a slow painful death. When he was actually dying he said he wasn't in pain. He was noting the irony of his life. Who narrates tombstone? Robert Mitchum.
What does Lunger mean in Tombstone? Tombstone is fairly accurate historically. In fact, some of the more unbelieveable scenes such as Bill Brosius missing Wyatt three times from point-blank range before Earp cuts him in half with a shotgun are actually documented. Armengol Portulez Explainer. Does Doc say Huckleberry or Hucklebearer?
The famous phrase "I'm your huckleberry " is said to be a misquote due to Doc's thick Georgia accent. It is believed that he actually said, "I'm your huckle bearer. Doc was issuing a threat. But it still says " huckleberry " in the script. Nourdine Simkin Pundit.
What is a Huckle bearer? A huckle bearer is commonly known as the person who carries a casket. Huckleberry means Im the man for the job. Often debated. But in the script is says the latter. Yuhan Calcerrada Pundit. What does a huckleberry taste like? Huckleberries are edible and quite tasty. The small, round berries resemble blueberries. In fact, in some parts of the United States, huckleberries might be called blueberries and blueberries might be called huckleberries. Red huckleberries tend to have a tart flavor, while purple and blue huckleberries taste sweeter.
Lenka Silvio Pundit. First, it denoted a small unit of measure, a "tad," as it were, and a person who was a huckleberry could be a small, unimportant person--usually expressed ironically in mock self-depreciation. The second and more common usage came to mean, in the words of the "Dictionary of American Slang: Second Supplemented Edition" Crowell , : "A man; specif.
Since , archaic. The "Historical Dictionary of American Slang" which is a multivolume work, has about a third of a column of citations documenting this meaning all through the latter 19th century.