Najah [email protected] Professional. What is a wanton wife? Enache Nedjar Professional. How do you use wanton in a sentence? He loved the way she could be wanton and sensual one minute, then bashful and demure the next.
His one act of wanton devastation, the clearing of the New Forest, has been grossly exaggerated. He had been more set on exacting tribute than on perpetrating wanton massacres. Jinguo Sayas Explainer. What does gross wanton mean? Grossly careless or negligent; reckless; malicious. The term wanton implies a reckless disregard for the consequences of one's behavior.
A wanton act is one done in heedless disregard for the life, limbs, health, safety, reputation, or property rights of another individual. Koly Bouanani Explainer. What is a wanton in philosophy? A wanton , Frankfurt informs us, is someone whose " desires. Pankaj Hersonsky Explainer. What are wontons made of? Wontons are made by spreading a square wrapper a dough skin made of flour, egg, water, and salt flat in the palm of one's hand, placing a small amount of filling in the center, and sealing the wonton into the desired shape by compressing the wrapper's edges together with the fingers.
Tandra Chehoev Pundit. What does it mean to be prostrate? Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free!
Log in Sign Up. Save Word. Definition of wanton Entry 1 of 3. Definition of wanton Entry 2 of 3. Definition of wanton Entry 3 of 3. Other Words from wanton Adjective wantonly adverb. Examples of wanton in a Sentence Adjective No artist should be subjected to this much wanton affection: it's unseemly, like being hugged by a stranger who won't let go.
Pollan firmly allied with those of us who oppose the wanton broadcast of pesticides and inorganic fertilizers on lawn and garden, I wish he had lingered a little longer over this vital subject. They were accused of wanton cruelty toward animals. He showed a wanton disregard for his friend's feelings. Michener , Texas , During the middle years of their marriage … his campaign to free his bride so that she could become a wanton had languished. Words related to wanton lewd , outrageous , promiscuous , shameless , arbitrary , gratuitous , needless , senseless , unjust , unjustifiable , unjustified , unprovoked , vicious , willful , capricious , extravagant , reckless , wasteful , abandoned , fast.
How to use wanton in a sentence Although legislation could have prevented such wanton misuse, digitalization would also enable authorities to microtarget where every cent of every stimulus payment went and what it achieved. The Courier of the Ozarks Byron A. God and my Neighbour Robert Blatchford. The Daisy Chain Charlotte Yonge.
Definitions of wanton word. Shakespeare insults dictionary 1. View the pronunciation for dismal. Circle the letter of the word that best fits the definition. Tarry, rash wanton: am not I thy lord? Wanton quotes for Instagram plus a big list of quotes including The racist dog policemen must withdraw immediately from our communities, cease their wanton murder and brutality and torture of black people, or face the wrath of the armed people.
The principal sees a food fight as a wanton act of vandalism done with wanton disregard for … n. Definition of wanton in the Fine Dictionary. Beat your last streak, or best your overall time. This is the British English definition of dismal. View American English definition of dismal. Explore the Words. An On-line Shakespearean Glossary. A weepy-eyed ape. In Shakespeare's day, the word "wanton" was used variously. Pronunciation of wanton and its etymology.
It generally meant a female who doesn't follow the rules, so it tended most often to be … Related: Wantonly; wantonness. The term wanton implies a reckless disregard for the consequences of one's behavior.
Onion-eyed means crying, weeping, wimpy. Wanton describes something excessive, uncontrolled and sometimes even cruel. See the definition, listen to the word, then try to spell it correctly. See more. Grossly careless or negligent; reckless; malicious. How to use fain in a sentence.