30 rock who is this leader of men

With comedies - like the Office - they're not banging you over the head. That's because of Jeff Zucker. As for 30 Rock, Baldwin figures that the program is a hit with critics, if not the masses, because "they love that we're spoofing the GE culture.

He obliged. Donaghy: Have you ever considered adding a 7th Sigma to 6 Sigma? If so, what would it be? Donaghy: This is a great leader of men. He speaks in riddles. At Princeton, I was in a secret society. I shouldn't tell you this, but one time, we snuck up to Dartmouth, put their mascot in a box, and sent it to Mexico City. We didn't know until the next day that it was an actual Indian. He didn't speak a word of English. Like all Dartmouth men.

They're Boston Irish Catholic. They mate for life, like swans. Like drunk, angry swans. Reality TV. You really brought the songwriting computer's words to life. It was reality TV. It can be good, it can be terrible, it just can't be anything in between. I'd like to welcome everyone to this N. Employee Town Hall Meeting and thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules.

Before I take your questions, I'd like to say a few words about Don Geiss. The world has lost a giant. He built G. For those of you wishing to pay your respects, there will be an Episcopal cryogenic freezing service open to all Six Sigma black belts and higher. So, Dave, tell me all about KableTown.

What's their business strategy? Revenue streams? Do they have a preferred side of the head for parting your hair? Because I've been Continental for years, but I'm willing to go Western. You were the last of a dying breed, sir. I'll never forget the first thing he ever said to me. Pick one. There's always an untapped market. Don was the one who realized there was a whole segment of consumers not buying light bulbs.

The asleep. That realization led him to develop the nightlight and the marketing campaign aimed at making children afraid of the dark. Don said that no business is ever done evolving.

That there are always opportunities for innovation. That you can always You can always find new customers. I'm sorry. But I've just had an amazing business idea. You'll have to excuse me. So what if women had a pay-per-view channel featuring handsome men patiently listening to them? What if they had Hear me out. Yes, I'm talking about doubling pay-per-view profits while cutting out the middle man.

But I'm also talking about American businessmen doing what they were born to do. Make things. We've stopped making and become a country of consumers. Well, I, for one, am done consuming. And I'm ready to make. Distancing myself?

That man is my mentor. He taught me how to command a room with my voice. No, I'm not crying in front of Jack Welch. Neutron Jack. And I'm not giving up.

Don Geiss wanted this company kept intact. And these people are from Philadelphia! If anyone finds out she's pregnant she won't get the job. Isn't that redundant? Avery and I are also having a little romantic weekend together. Before the baby comes we're going to Toronto for the G8 Economic Summit. It's going to be Have a nice trip, Lemon. Break out those underpants, but be careful: dating yourself is a double-edged sword.

It means you also share the same flaws. I called the concierge service with my Amex Invisible Card. There are no rental cars. The trains and buses are sold out. Look, Avery. You and I are cut from the same cloth. It's one of the reasons we work so well, and why we're unbeatable at a three-legged race. Avery, maybe it isn't the end of the world if our daughter is Canadian.

Alexander Hamilton was born in the West Indies, and he went on to-. Thank you for your input, Lorne, but Avery and I want out daughter be born in American so that one day she can become President and declare war on Germany like back when we were awesome. Yes, my daughter is Canadian-American, but I'm going to treat her just like a human baby.

We tried to get back home, Lemon, in a meth lab. Avery and I fed each other's craziness, but one of us was brave enough to step back-. I want to help you, Lemon, but this is not the week. Avery's maternity was cut short so she could go cover the collapse of Greece's banking system.

Since inventing democracy those guys have been It's complicated. These women run your household so you have to keep them happy which means not saying anything as your DVR fills up with Trinidadian soap operas.

But as soon as I'm out of the woods, Lemon, I'll take care of this I'm not saying that what you do isn't important. Avery and I appreciate you and Liddy just adores you, but let's just say you're at the market buying potatoes, and that ten pound bag of potatoes costs But then the Because a five pound bag should only cost two hundred dollars. Meanwhile I just got worked over by my Trinidadian night nurse.

I made every mistake you can in a negotiation. I spoke first, I smiles, I negotiated with myself. If I had done that during a mock negotiation in business school, Professor Widmer would have spanked me in front of the whole class. Bare bottomed. I've been thinking about our conversation earlier. It occurs to me that you are laboring under a fatal misapprehension.

You think you have leverage over me, but you don't. I don't care about the baby. I've only known her for a few weeks and other than a fondness for Avery's breasts, Liddy and I have nothing in common. She is one of two people ever to have thrown up on me and I haven't spoken to Joe Namath since that Mardi Gras.

What's more, I don't think Liddy looks like me, so evolutionarily that makes me want to eat her. In other words, either you take a pay cut or go and look for another job. Who has the leverage now, Sherry? Your move. Every day we give you a hundred dollars for cab fare home. Do you realize what you're doing to me, Sherry? You're unravelling the very fabric of who I am.

I negotiate for a living, and I never lose. And now I have to go negotiate with my colleagues at Kabletown after having been reamed by a woman wearing Winnie the Pooh hospital pants. I don't have what you have, Sherry. A brand new baby that they've poured time and money and love into. Some helpless, pathetic, useless thing that would die if left alo- Oh God, I do have that.

I have NBC! Home run, Lemon. And speaking of baseball metaphors I see that someone got to first base which is what I consider sex with a stranger. I've got to look camera ready tonight. I'm being interviewed on C. Of course. You know, I learned to talk to gorillas when I worked for G.

We are going to test poisons on you. We're just friends. It's platonic. I have elaborate fantasies of her husband dying in a boat explosion. Nancy, I'm sorry, the audio's bad. Jonathan, why do I have an Indian assistant if my computer is always But it's not your fault. You are genetically predisposed to compete against other women for the attention of strong powerful men like myself or others very similar to me. For example Hercules, the Highlander, or uh, God. Lemon, who thinks gesturing with one's thumbs is for poor people is going to be the next CEO of Kabletown?

She wants to be a marine biologist. Kaylie is playing right into my hands. I also had a youthful fascination with exploration, and I know exactly what any fourteen year old science geek wants to do: practice frottage on a poster of Linda Ronstadt and meet your idol, like when I met Jacques Cousteau. I will never forget what he said to me.

It was so long ago. Love, Kaylie] This could be me. He was the world's greatest oceanographer. And we walruses owe him everything for giving us the gift of language. It's a younger man's game, Lemon. But I can't say that I don't miss it.

You'd be in your office late at night, and the new girl would come in with some flimsy excuse to be there. Donaghy, I forgot to give you the factory worker death rates. A touch on the arm. And you'd take your reward. You'd take your reward. If you were a man, you would have to register yourself as a sex criminal. I'm taking Danny back. It's true. It was love at first sight. I ache for her sexually. How could I not? I'm entranced by those And her laugh.

Her walk. That splay-footed walk. And that Right there. And Oh Good God, Lemon. This isn't the auto industry, Pete. The auto industry was run by a bunch of out-of-touch white guys selling consumers a product they didn't want.

And we're going to make a giant, flimsy microwave. It's your only move, Lemon. Sometimes the way back up is down. Let me tell you a story. It's 1 I went ice climbing, and I fell into a crevasse. I hurt my leg, and I couldn't climb back up. So fighting every natural instinct, doing the thing that seemed most awful to me, I climbed down into the darkness. And that's how I got out. And I said, ''Connie Chung, you did the right thing. I'll have you know that Barry Diller and I are working on a whole new approach to media, combining all the digital Just let me drink.

Jack then informed Liz that "in five years we'll all either be working for him It was also revealed that on his Myers-Briggs test he was a rare combination of extroverted intuitive and aggressive the same as Jack. Kenneth often acts as Tracy Jordan 's personal assistant, even going so far as to get him his nachos from Yankee Stadium. He is sometimes seen trying to impress or emulate Tracy, even wearing Tracy's chains when he wins them in a card game.

A running gag with him seems to be someone taking his sandwich, which both Tracy Jordan and Jack Donaghy have done. In " The Aftermath ", they are seen dancing together on the yacht. After insulting Jenna to get her to eat, Jenna instead starts to enthusiastically kiss him and Kenneth later tells Jack Donaghy that "I guess we have to get married now.

In " Ludachristmas " it is revealed that Kenneth had quite a "coke" problem during his "Wall Street days. In " Episode " Kenneth tries coffee for the first time and is immediately hooked. When he sees himself in a mirror, he becomes depressed because he realizes he has broken a promise to his mother that New York City wouldn't change him.

Kenneth leaves to return to his mother's home, but returns during the show-ending musical number, singing that he missed The Midnight Train to Georgia because the train actually left at and he was misinformed about the time. In " Operation Righteous Cowboy Lightning ", Kenneth mentions that he is unsure if he photographs well because when he sees himself in a mirror all he sees is "a white haze". In " Cougars " it is revealed that Kenneth keeps a dream journal. He shows a picture of a giant green alien with antennas, black stripes, and suckered fingertips attacking New York while being shot at by fighter jets.

He states that it is from his dream journal, and that "they've all come true so far. Kenneth has been shown to be rather religious, telling Pete to think of God in order to prevent him from cheating on his wife in " Black Tie ". His church which was in the basement of a Cuban restaurant has a fire-and-brimstone preacher , who scared away Tracy when Kenneth brought him there. It is revealed in "College" that he attended Kentucky Mountain Bible College, where he studied television theory and minored in Bible sexuality.

In "Black Tie", Kenneth referred to Footloose as the movie where "those evil kids won in the end. In " Episode ," he says he doesn't drink any hot beverages for that's "the Devil's temperature.


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