Are there any cereals without bht

A good tip is that if a cereal is certified organic meaning, the packaging carries one of the official certified organic seals , then it does not contain BHT or any other artificial additives or preservatives. There are many reasons to support this conscientious Canadian company, two of them are that their products are all GMO-free and they take care and pride in all the ingredients they put into their products.

PC Organics Wheat Squares cereal is just one of the organic cereals offered in this line. Not many children like Raisin Bran cereal, but many parents do. There are many excellent organic granola cereals on the market, but my absolute favourite is by a company called Love Grown Foods. We are extremely tied to the oceans. The water and salt content in our bodies is almost equivalent to that of the oceans. Sharks are our one greatest hope of finding a cure for cancer though few know about it.

Now, that reason alone should be enough incentive to be an activist for the oceans especially when approximately 75 million shark are caught, have their fins removed, and dumped back into the ocean alive to painfully drown or bleed out Plus because of that, sharks are apex predators which means they help keep the ocean balanced. An unbalanced ocean is an ocean in deep trouble and therefore, so are we.

So after knowing how important oceans are to our well being and there are few activists saying anything about that what do you think is more important- BHT or getting our oceans back to a healthy state? Eating clean green food, breathing clean air, having clean water, having a healthy land with normal weather and temperatures, and the medicines we need or BHT? In my opinion, if someone wants to be an activist or something why not that and green, organic foods?

After all, we get a lot of foods and medicines from the ocean. Give me a break. That's nit picking in my book. Why not go for something that's really important?

Like really jumping on the band wagon to save our world and our people. Thanks for reading. David May 4, PM. Tara June 18, PM. Wouldn't that be a fear of chemotherapy? Because I'll tell you, as a cancer patient that has endured brain surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy to combat a malignant brain tumour, while I don't have a fear of chemotherapy, I do have a fear of ingesting carcinogenic foods and chemicals. CroSel August 31, PM. Thank you Tara for your well supported comment.

It's enlightening to know that BHT causes cancer in Hamsters. Bare in mind, studies such as: Will BHT cause cancer in human beings most likely is not condoned due to ethical and legal reasons of experimenting on humans.

Therefore, I would not take this research lightly and I think it's fair to extrapolate it to human beings since we're organisms as well. Isabella Kerr September 16, PM. I have been shocked with some opinions. I guess some people do not do a research. I am going to switch to other low sugar brands. Simply I do not like sweet food. Unfortunately I have had a skin cancer that showed that I am prone to have a cancer.

I am sorry I did not do my research earlier. I have been eating this cereal for a long time. Jacqueline M January 24, PM. You clearly have not read deeply into BHT, furthermore, this article does not state all of the findings. Alain Roy March 20, PM. Perhaps we can now address Sodium aluminum phosphate in rising crust pizzas.

From Nestles to Pillsbury they all claim that it's the only chemical agent known to enable the dough to rise. To my knowledge McCains introduced in a new sodium aluminum phosphate free rising crust pizzas.

Best regards. Some turnovers and other rising dough pasteries incorporate this ingredient. Name June 11, AM. This has massively increased residue levels to PPM and more, of this noxious substance in our bread and cereal.

The american government which is in the pocket of the makers of glyphosate last year massively increased the permitted residue levels in farm produce anywhere from 2 times to 25 times depending on the food stuff.

Now they want to force this noxious waste and their gmo waste on europe by way of TTIP that is, if you are not already eating this garbage and you easily could be. Bread or cereal is very possibly the cause. Mickey August 25, PM. It's good to be concerned about nutrition.

But it's also good to know how real science works. This self-important nazi-bloggers do no good. And no, I don't work for any food company. I agree with the BHT being removed, probably many othe thingss should be removed as well. Is this also in Canada? I would like to know why all cereals and all foods nearly have so much sugar in them.

It is usually second on the list showing the content is very high in sugar' It is not only in cereal, but all foods nearly. Annalissa January 19, PM.

So, a woman who has no background in food, nutrition, chemistry, etc. Why are you believing someone that has no idea what she's talking about? Do you not read any of the disclaimers that clearly state that she and other Bloggers are only stating their opinion, and that their conclusions aren't based on any type of actual science, that everything they write it the way they put things together.

Reminds me of all the people that believe that margarine is plastic because of a one molecule difference. Or the ones that swear up and down if you put hydrogen in something you're gonna die. Guess what sweetie Better stop drinking water, it's hydrogenated!

H2 treated with Oxygen. Before passing judgement and spreading misinformation take a few general science classes and some basic chemistry classes! Spiz February 3, PM. Annalissa You're ridiculous. It's not the hydrogen that is bad, it's the by product. Have you missed out on the fact of how dangerous trans fats are for us!! You scientists think you can play God with our food and in effect our bodies and health!!

I think you are the one who needs to do some research. Or at least be more open minded. Jenny Rose April 20, AM. As with the other critique given I have to state my concern is that you haven't put any facts out to support your argument. There is rather compelling evidence against BHT as well as that it isn't harmful. A valid concern may be that science can be biased based upon who is doing the research. I would have preferred for you to site resources that help support your thoughts that BHT is fine to consume.

It is always good to have healthy debates about issues. I will express a couple of my opinions related to your comment: I agree with you that it is our responsibility as consumers to fact check and look at what we are eating. Although I don't believe a basic chemistry class is what you need but rather a health and nutrition class. I think you will find that wanting to be responsible for what goes into one's body is the very root of why so many are upset that the FDA seems to side with big business rather than individual rights to have food labeled.

My opinion of your argument is that it is weak. Here's why: One, you didn't speak to your credentials or to your own personal research It's hard to take you seriously about taking a basic class when we don't know if you've ever taken a basic class yourself. Two, despite your rather passionate feelings about the "Food Babe" expressing her opinion despite her clearly telling us that is all they are, you are in fact doing the very same thing you are criticizing.

Here's my critique: The difference between "Food Babe" and you is that you appear to be disguising yourself as an expert on the topic thus making your "opinion" superior to hers. Without those credentials I mentioned earlier, I have to believe you just didn't like her opinion and in fact you don't have any more research to support that opinion than she did to support hers.

Darlene March 3, PM. Mike March 9, PM. Every time I did not feel well, I had pain in my digestive tract. I went to four doctors and they never could find what was causing me to feel bad. So I started a food journal and recorded what I was eating. I may be more sensitive than others, but be aware that this used to protect oils from going bad. This is not something we should be eating My advice: When you shop at the grocery store only shop the outside perimeter Veggies, Fruits, Meats, and Breads and only go down the baking aisle for spices, flour, etc.

The other aisles have food additives in most products, avoid these types of food. Today, I am healthy and feel great. I only changed what I was eating and it made me feel good again :.

Tina February 21, AM. Is the Tripotassium Phosphate an acceptable ingriegredient? So sad. Melvin Pratt May 7, PM. However the actual ingredient list says in very, very small print that BHT is added to the packaging "to preserve the natural wheat flavor. It is like microwave popcorn --they don't put Teflon in the corn, they just coat the inside of the bags with it, but it gets into the food anyway. I'm old enough to remember when they couldn't pretend that margarine was butter, it came in a pure white block with a little cellophane bag of yellow dye, you had to mix it yourself if you wanted it to look like butter.

Pure food activists like the Food Babe, serve the public. We cant trust FDA to protect our food. It took years of public activism to force the food industry to get rid of trans fats, and only after the battle had been won did the FDA finally decide that it wasnt good for us. Jeff May 22, AM. I am glad to know that the manufacturers of cereal have plans to remove BHT from their cereals. I have not bought cereal for 15 years due to when the cereal companies began putting BHT in their cereals.

They went all those years without it being in there, so why was it necessary to suddenly start adding it? There are many preservatives that are healthier that could be used instead.

Vitamin C is just one option. And, when companies eliminate certain ingredients from the same product, due to the laws of manufacturing in other countries, why do they feel the need to add it in the U.

A just because it is allowed? In response to all the criticism towards the blogger "Food Babe", I am not a scientist or expert of any sorts either but, I can read and do research. Take note, if the cereal manufacturers didn't believe that "Food Babe" was right on target, they would not change a thing.

Wealthy companies do not jump for "no reason". Wise up people, these companies out there do not do what is best for us. They do what is best for their wallets. Hari a call for the post-mortem on her latest conquest along the Food Babe warpath: Your army of followers acted quickly on this one.

Was there a lot of rallying-the-troops before hand? I put it up totally unannounced. Being a food activist, I need to have my ducks in a row. After it went viral, Starbucks said they put a team in place to remove caramel coloring and post ingredients online for this. Not yet, which is pretty amazing—but I really did my homework. I have an advisory council now, and I consult with doctors and scientists before I launch a petition like this. I make sure I have all of my sources backed up, and I put them at the bottom of the post so everyone could go read the studies.

I have pictures from all of the cereals that do not have this additive. I looked into the European Safety Database.


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