When your thyroid does not produce enough of these hormones hypothyroidism , you may experience a lack of energy, weight gain, and depression.
The set of blood tests that evaluates your thyroid function is known as a full thyroid panel. If concerned that you may have thyroid issues, your physician will likely order a T4 or TSH test.
If you are experiencing hypothyroid symptoms while your TSH and T4 levels appear normal, it is important that you get your RT3 levels tested as well. If the results of those tests are abnormal, further tests may pinpoint the problem. Regardless of the type of thyroid function blood test s you undergo, they all involve taking a blood draw venipuncture in a doctor's office.
Studies have shown that patients who partake in early morning fasting have higher TSH levels than afternoon patients who do not fast. Pregnancy and severe illness can also affect thyroid function. If you're feeling tired or find yourself gaining weight, thyroid issues may be to blame. Many different blood tests can determine the health of thyroid function, such as those for thyroid stimulating hormone TSH , thyroxine T4 , thyroid antibodies, and reverse T3 RT3. A thyroid panel includes multiple blood tests that are designed to evaluate your thyroid function and diagnose various thyroid-related conditions.
A thyroid panel might include a thyroid-stimulating hormone THS test, a thyroxine T4 test, and a thyroid antibody test. Studies have shown that early morning fasting causes higher TSH levels compared to tests taken in the afternoon on patients that did not fast. What you eat and when can affect your thyroid test results — so can when you take your pills and how. Thyroid level testing is a fact of life if you're being treated for hypothyroidism — and accurate testing is key.
But many things can throw off your test results. Knowing what those things might be is paramount to keeping them from affecting your tests and, ultimately, your health. The goal of taking the medication, a synthetic hormone, is to keep your thyroid function within the same range as that of people without thyroid problems, according to the American Thyroid Association ATA. In a majority of patients, says the ATA, this treatment eliminates symptoms of hypothyroidism — such as fatigue, dry skin , hair loss, weight gain, and sensitivity to cold.
Generally, the goal of treatment is to keep thyroid-stimulating hormone TSH levels within a range of 0. This level may not be appropriate for everyone, so talk to your doctor about what your personal goal is. To monitor your condition and determine whether your medication dosage needs to be adjusted, your doctor will perform regular blood tests to check your TSH levels. Results may vary, though, from one test to another. Some slight variation in test results is normal and nothing to worry about, according to the ATA, but more significant variations could indicate the need for a dosage change.
These are factors that can affect your thyroid levels :. You get tested at different times of the day. Thyroid hormone levels tend to go up at night and down during the day, according to the ATA. However, this variation is very slight, says Terry F. You go to different labs for testing. Results may vary from lab to lab, but even if you go to the same lab, your results can vary from test to test, the ATA says.
The lab may get one reading on one occasion and a slightly higher or lower reading the next. You switch brands. A number of companies manufacture thyroid hormone, and their products are slightly different from each other. If you are taking medicines for thyroid conditions thyroxine to treat your thyroid disease, it is recommended that your blood sample be taken before you take your dose for that day. Have your medicine post the test. Always consult your doctor for such suggestions as they know your health condition best and might advise otherwise too.
Biotin Vitamin B7 is a commonly taken over-the-counter supplement that can lead to some aberrancy in your thyroid function tests even when the values are actually normal. Avoid taking biotin 2 days before a thyroid function testing. Reference ranges for each value under thyroid hormone is not consistent for everyone. It differs based on certain parameters such as age, health condition, and the laboratory that performs the testing.
Common reference ranges for the thyroid panel are enlisted here:. Most laboratory reports mention the reference ranges applied to your thyroid test , however, consult an expert to interpret the results. Also, since it is a panel test, values are generally interpreted together and not seen as individual numbers. Once the blood sample for thyroid test is drawn, you can return to normal activities, including driving.
A simple thing that you can follow is to avoid strenuous activity with the arm from where the sample was taken for a few hours after the test. If you experience any pain or bleeding, apply and do not rub ice packs. Yes, you can if need be. In fact,it is not uncommon to have thyroid changes during pregnancy. While overactive thyroid affects about one in every pregnancies, underactive thyroid happens in around one in every pregnancies.
If you have a pre-existing thyroid condition or develop a thyroid condition during pregnancy, your doctor will monitor your condition and ask for blood tests too. Most likely, your thyroid hormone levels will be checked every 4 to 6 weeks during the first half of your conception, and at least once after 30 weeks.