Symptoms of mercury poisoning include dizziness and loss of coordination and balance. Pet parents should keep albacore tuna, in particular, away from cats because it "is from a larger species of tuna with mercury levels almost three times higher than chunk-light ," says Heinze. So, can cats eat tuna? Tuna is not nutritionally balanced and should not be fed as a large part of your cat's meal plan. Even giving canned tuna as a treat can lead to health issues, especially if it is given in large amounts or frequently.
To ensure your feline friend is getting the balanced nutrition they need without extra calories or toxic metals, choose a healthy cat food that uses tuna in a way that still meets their nutritional needs and satisfies their taste buds. Christine O'Brien is a writer, mom, and long-time cat parent whose two Russian Blues rule the house. Her work also appears in Care. Find and follow her on Instagram and Twitter brovelliobrien.
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Your use of this site is subject to the terms of our Legal Statement. About our Ads. Cookie Consent Tool. Belgium - Belgique. Brazil - Brasil. Canada English. Costa Rica. Croatia - Hrvatska. Denmark - Danmark. Finland - Suomi. France - France. Germany - Deutschland. Greater China - Taiwan. Italy - Italia. Latvia - Latvija. Malaysia Bahasa. But some foods and treats can pose serious risks to their health. Here are seven foods you should avoid feeding your cat. Many of us grew up with the image of kittens drinking milk or cream in cartoons or picture books.
And what about kittens? Though most people find chocolate delicious, this cacao-based treat contains two ingredients that are toxic to cats: theobromine and caffeine. Both milk chocolate and dark chocolate can cause several dangerous symptoms, including:. In cases of high exposure to theobromine and caffeine, cats can also suffer from heart failure, weakness or a coma.
However, these raw foods may contain dangerous E. Exposing your cat to these pathogens can even prove fatal. Raw egg whites also contain a protein called avidin. If consumed, avidin can prevent your cat from properly consuming the B vitamin biotin, potentially causing skin conditions and a dull coat.
If you also have a dog, chances are your cat has sampled their food from time to time. Cats require a balanced diet full of essential amino acids from dietary proteins, beneficial fats, vitamins, and minerals.
If you give tuna to your cat in moderation, it is actually a healthy treat containing omega-3 essential fatty acids EPA eicosapentaenoic acid and DHA docosahexaenoic acid. These substances are highly beneficial since they:. Eating tuna from time to time can be beneficial for kittens. However, always keep in mind that young cats still grow.
Specially formulated kitten food provides essential nutrition, and tuna can bring more risks than benefits to your new pet. In fact, the possibility of the occurrence of steatitis, seizures, and mercury poisoning is too high that it is not worth the risk. Unfortunately, canned tuna contains mercury, which makes it potentially toxic to felines. If your cat occasionally eats only a bit of canned tuna, it is unlikely to have an issue with poisoning.
On the other hand, regular consumption of this food is often problematic, especially if fish is canned with salt and oil or contains artificial flavors. Take care to rinse the fish before offering it to your cat, especially if you want to feed it with the human canned tuna.
On the other hand, canned cat food with tuna includes all necessary nutrients, and it is beneficial for your cat health.