My Account. Ink Rewards. Fountain Pen Day. Ballpoint Pen Day. World Stationary Day. National Handwriting Day. Military Discount. First Responder Discount. Teacher Discount. Free Shipping. Country of Origin. It is essential to check the following things:. Ensure that you have wiped the nib on a paper towel; if a fountain pen becomes oversaturated with ink, it will drip. Here at The Pen Company, we sell a variety of fountain pen ink converters as well as spare parts that are easy to use with the above guide.
Click here to browse the selection available. From a young age, Natalya has been interested in all kind of stationery. From owning an assortment of coloured pens and pencils to buying a new notebook to write in every week. Natalya loves working for The Pen Company as it aids her in continuing her stationery passion as an adult. What is a fountain pen ink converter? What types of ink converters are there?
Below is a list of the different ink converters available: Piston converter A piston ink converter is the most common variety. Squeeze converter Squeeze converters are older in design than piston converters and are quite simple to use. Push-button converter The push-button converter is the least common variety and can hold a lot of ink.
How do you use a fountain pen ink converter? Disassemble your fountain pen. Remove the cap and unscrew the grip section. For most fountain pens, converters are the easiest way to experience the hundreds of ink colors that only come in bottles.
A converter is a device that plugs into a pen like a cartridge and allows the pen to draw in bottled ink through the nib. There are a few different types of converters—piston and squeeze converters being the most common—and each type works a bit differently. Our writers draw on their personal expertise, consult our in-house subject matter experts, and do extensive research to make our guides as accurate and comprehensive as possible.
We then test every finding that makes it through the research stage. Only the techniques and tools whose performance we personally confirm make it into our guides as recommendations.
Now that you know how to use a converter, the wide world of bottled fountain pen inks is ready for you to explore. To learn more and see some of our top recommended inks, check out our fountain pen ink guides. And for more information on the various ways to fill a fountain pen, be sure to read our article on Fountain Pen Filling Systems Explained! JetPens is accepting and shipping orders. Account Lists Pens.
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