Home football game on Saturday. Review gameday parking and traffic info for hospital patients and visitors. Masks are required in all our health care locations.
View current visitor policy. Author: Debra Goff, PharmD. By clicking "Subscribe" you agree to our Terms of Use. We'll be in touch every so often with health tips, patient stories, important resources and other information you need to keep you and your family healthy. But is wearing gloves going to protect you from the virus?
COVID is spread mainly in the air. The virus that causes COVID is mainly spread from person to person through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Otherwise, when you reach into the box of gloves, you can contaminate the other gloves in the box Source: Australian National Health and Medical Research Council. When changing a nappy, it is very important to wash your hands before you put on gloves, so that when you have finished changing the child, you can remove the dirty gloves and dress the child without needing to interrupt the nappy-changing procedure to wash your hands before dressing the child Source: Australian National Health and Medical Research Council.
When you have finished a procedure that requires you to wear gloves, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly after removing the gloves, because any germs on your hands may have multiplied significantly while you were wearing the gloves.
There may also be microscopic tears or holes in the gloves that can allow germs to contaminate your skin. When taking off the gloves, you may contaminate your hands with the dirty gloves; therefore, it is essential that you wash your hands Source: Australian National Health and Medical Research Council. Home Public health topics Early childhood centres Keeping your centre healthy Hand hygiene Use of Gloves , current page. Prolonged and indiscriminate use of gloves should be avoided as it may cause adverse reactions and skin sensitivity.
For further information on glove use refer to the Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare. Privacy Policy Sitemap. Alcohol-Based Handrubs 5 Moments.