Overview Medicare Coverage Options. Broker Resources. Individuals and Families. Understanding Insurance. Knowing how to read an EOB is helpful in understanding your health insurance plan. What is an Explanation of Benefits?
Page 3 , provides more specific details about the cost of the care you received. How do EOBs work? I want to All rights reserved. Language Assistance. Call or. Pay Your Bill Online. Around the time you receive your patient billing statement , you will also receive an explanation of benefits EOB from your insurance provider. An explanation of benefits is a document that explains how your insurance processed the claim for the services you received. While this document is not a bill , it is an important tool that shows you how your bill is broken down between the medical service provider s , your insurance , and you.
It can help ensure you are receiving the full benefit or discount that you are entitled to under your insurance plan. Save your EOB when it comes in the mail! If you need to speak with us about your bill, please have your EOB available.
While all benefit statements look a little different, they will all contain the same basic types of information:. The claim details , which is a list of the dates we provided the service and a description of the service. The amounts :. Deductible : A deductible is the amount you pay for health care services before your insurance starts to pay anything. Copay: A copay is a fixed amount you pay for a health care service covered by your insurance.
It is typically due before we provide service. Copays are different for different services in the same plan. You may pay a different copay for your primary care than for a specialty service. To top. Sign up for free and get access to exclusive content:.
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