What does hlf mean on twitter

By Ryan Vlastelica. That may have misled people into thinking that Einhorn - whose infrequent tweets under davidein tend to be about poker - was picking sides in the battle between two other big-name investors, Carl Icahn and Bill Ackman, who have opposing positions in Herbalife.

In late January, shares of Audience Inc and Sarepta Therapeutics Inc plunged following tweets that were purported to be from short-selling researchers. He uses Twitter and has more than 22, followers. In such hoaxes, anonymous users set up accounts with names that sound like prominent market players, issue negative commentary, and spark massive declines.

The selling that follows shows how the rapid spread of information on social media can make for volatile trading, and is a warning to investors who trade on news before fully verifying the source. The U. Ships bound for L. Stocks eke out small gains but are still headed for weekly loss. All Sections. About Us. B2B Publishing. Business Visionaries. Hot Property. Times Events. Times Store. We will include it during next update of our database.

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