The City of Glendale offers interested parties many ways to stay informed about our City. Here you can sign up to receive any of our various newsletters, press releases, emergency notifications, and other news and event updates. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Affordable Housing Updates Sign up for affordable housing updates and the City will contact you when projects are accepting applications for occupancy.
Sign Up. Learn More. Report Issues Report an issue or submit a service request. Recreation Classes Register for recreation classes. Library Browse the library catalog and reserve materials. Click here for mental health resources. Pay your bill. View upcoming appointments, most recent well child physical date, recent weight and height.
Communicate via encrypted email with the MDs and staff non-urgent only. Call our office to ask a staff member to sign up for the Portal. We are an active affiliate office of the CHLA Health Network, a network of high quality pediatricians working hard to improve the care of our patients.
We at Glendale Pediatrics encourage all our patients to receive their vaccines on schedule per the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics. If you choose to vaccinate your child following an alternative vaccine schedule, please note that these visits with be booked with your doctor to ensure safety and help guide your decision-making process. We hope you find this website useful. Please contact us at during business hours with any additional questions you may have.
Pay My Bill. Medical College, Mumbai, where she graduated with honors. She completed her pediatric residency at B. Wadia hospital for Children in Mumbai. Would you like to switch to the accessible version of this site? Go to accessible site Close modal window. Don't need the accessible version of this site? Hide the accessibility button Close modal window. Accessibility View Close toolbar. Glendale Pediatrics where we partner with you in the care of your child.
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