Why play recorder

Parents may hate music teachers for making their child rehearse at home, but everyone must start somewhere, so why not with the recorder? Below are 25 reasons why everyone should have the opportunity to learn the recorder. This is such an important skill! I know we all need to breath to stay alive, but how many of us know how to breath and fill our lungs with a good string low breath?

I can tell you, it was easy for me because I knew how to control my breathing and this made the treatment time go so much quicker! Controlling the breath during meditation is also an important skill for our students to learn in this busy and stressful world.

Learning to read music, and having the brain learn new things is one way of strengthening new pathways. Learning to read anything is important and learning to read music is a lifelong skill that can be used in all parts of future music education.

The more opportunities students have to play music, the more they learn about what music has the potential to sound like when musical elements are changed or altered. At the same time, they might be either watching the page of music or their music teacher conducting the ensemble, either way they need to make sure that the eyes and hands are doing what they are supposed to, at the right time!

This activity is so important to help develop other reading and sporting skills. Coordinating the placement of fingers over those holes to form notes that are written on the page, requires a lot of brain power. When students rehearse the placement of fingers in the correct position, their fingers develop muscle memory and it becomes easier and easier strengthen their fine motor skills. As a child overcomes the problems that learning the recorder can present, their confidence and self esteem are built up.

If you have ever watched a child perform and then talked to them afterwards, they are usually smiling from ear to ear as they know that they have just been a part of something that was truly special.

When students try to create a piece of music, either from one that is written or one that they are creating, there will always be problems. Students need to work together to come up with a solution, and this requires patience and thinking outside the box to fix an issues that may come their way. When our young music students perform as part of a group, there will always be problems that arise.

Being a part of a team, or musical group, is one way that students get the opportunity to build teamwork skills. We all need to know how to behave in certain situations and playing the recorder in front of an audience is one way of learning this life skill.

The more diverse music that our students experience helps them develop their own musical ear. If students only hear and perform one type of music, they are not then having the chance to experience every different flavor that music has on offer. It is an instrument that can be easily taken to and from school in a backpack. The popularity of the recorder comes from the ease of storing and moving the instrument. When students play the music that they are reading, both sides of the brain are engaged in the activity.

Reading and playing music is one of the few activities that uses both sides of the brain at once! Studies have shown that playing and reading music improves brain function and helps to make us use more of our brains creating new neural pathways. Learning the recorder and tackling the difficulties that this can present head on, helps our students to learn what it takes to make it real life. Grit and perseverance cannot be taught when success comes easily, it can only be learned through experiencing failure and trying something new.

It is OK to fail, but it is not OK to try. Learning the recorder means students must try and keep trying to develop musical skills through grit and determination. Once students have mastered learning finger positions and have them committed to memory, then students learn to memorize pieces of music to play. This skill only gets stronger the more that students have the chance to use these skills.

It simply is cheap to purchase — consider the price of one trumpet compared to the price of one recorder! This is an inexpensive soprano recorder, easy to care for, made of a The Flauto Penta is based on the pentatonic scale. These instruments The Rottenburgh is the instrument of choice for those recorder Baroque Timbre - Brilliant High Register.

Our Steenbergen model Our Subbass is the first recorder in this register which players can This famous collection comprises a large amount of well kept Practical and worthwhile tips for Recorder Players Spare parts and accessories Care products, cleaning rods, oil brushes Cases, fabric covers, boxes and bags Spare parts and accessories for bass recorders Care instructions Playing in a new recorder Daily care Oiling wooden recorders Fingering charts Service and repair Worth knowing and faq.

Sheet music Music for and with recorders Music for historical woodwinds Music for modern woodwinds Music for string instruments Music for plucked string instruments Latest publications. Books Woodwind and instrument-making Books about contemporary music Cartoons and Satire. TIBIA - Early issues - - - - - - from German or baroque fingering? Single or double holes? Information material. International representatives. Contact and directions. Recorder making. The recorder - an instrument for beginners as well as professionals.

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