Why prioritise workload

Why prioritise? Everybody puts things off sometimes, but keep putting things off and the work or study will pile up and begin to seem an insurmountable task. Delaying things to the last minute is also a cause of stress and stress can interfere with your ability to learn and to remember things.

People have a tendency to concentrate on completing the easy jobs first, which obviously delays the more difficult or complicated tasks and this is why prioritising and improving your time management, is very important. There is a difference between a task that is urgent and a task that is important — an urgent task may not be very important! Finally, make sure you draw up a new list frequently.

Knowing your priorities reduces stress, helps you focus and ignore FOMO, can improve productivity and time management , and even help with work-life balance as you create better boundaries for your workday. At least not right away. But while the elements of prioritizing your work are simple i. When priorities are piling up, you need a clear system in place to take you from overwhelmed to under control.

Think of this as a brain dump. You want to get every possible thing that pulls at your attention out of your head and into a doc. You have the tasks that need to be done today. The projects that need to be worked on this week or month. And the long-term goals that make you feel accomplished and empowered. As productivity consultant Brian Tracy explains , your monthly list pulls from your master list.

Your weekly list pulls from your monthly list. And so on. This way, your daily priorities are always aligned with your bigger goals. This prioritization method also helps combat the Completion Bias—our tendency to focus on finishing small tasks rather than working on larger, more complex ones.

Not just urgent ones. Your Master List helps you understand how to prioritize all your tasks. But it can still get complicated when deciding what needs to get done now versus later. There are a few prioritization techniques you can use to separate the urgent from the important tasks. The Pareto Principle relies on experience. In this case, you can use the Eisenhower Matrix. In basic terms, urgent tasks are things you feel like you need to react to right away, like emails, phone calls, texts, or news.

While important tasks are ones that contribute to your long-term mission, values, and goals. During your interview, provide examples of how you plan out your daily schedule and set deadlines for urgent and important tasks. Use the following steps as a guide to help you answer this interview question:.

When the interviewer presents this question, be specific in your answer about how you manage your daily work assignments. For instance, if you create a to-do list first thing in the morning, explain how you list your tasks and rank them in order of their urgency and importance.

This shows the interviewer your initiative and your ability to effectively organize your workload. Example: "As soon as I get to work, I record the assignments I need to complete and list them in order of highest to lowest priority based on the due dates. This helps me manage my workflow and keeps me on track with what I need to get done for that day.

It can be common to have changes come up throughout your workday that demand your attention, and explaining how you handle last-minute shifts in your workload can highlight your adaptability and give the interviewer insight into how you reorganize your priorities.

For instance, explain to the interviewer how you handle taking on tasks assigned to you in the middle of your other projects to show how mindful you are of urgent company priorities. Example: "My daily task list helps me manage a steady workflow, but I understand that priorities can shift unexpectedly. Knowing this, I try to limit the number of daily tasks and save time in the event that I need to make adjustments for any changes to my daily workload.

Related: How to Prioritize Tasks in the Workplace. Completing work assignments on time is an important aspect of any job, and the interviewer wants to know that you can establish timelines for yourself that accommodate impending and shifting deadlines where necessary. Discuss how you set your deadlines according to task urgency, and provide details about how you determine appropriate time frames.

For instance, give examples of how you discuss due dates with team leaders or confirm important and tight deadlines. This shows that you are considerate of company goals and your team's input on when projects should be completed. Example: "I always communicate with my team lead about expected due dates for my assignments first.

By prioritising your workload, you have more time to recharge and take mental and physical breaks from work. Prioritisation also helps you become more productive on your most important work. When you prioritise and work on a small number of essential tasks, you can manage your workload and have more time to focus on bigger goals.

Instead of wasting time on low-value work, prioritising your workload gives you more time to think and plan. Read also: 7 productivity tips to be more productive. Procrastination takes you away from your most important tasks and wastes valuable time.

Prioritisation helps you identify and focus on your most important activities by keeping them at the top of your to-do list. When you prioritise your workload, you get clear about the activities that are most important to you.

When you are clear and focused on your goals and your biggest priorities, it becomes easier to overcome procrastination. How to stop procrastinating: tips for procrastinators. Prioritisation helps you focus on your most important tasks by making them the highest priority during your workday. The most productive use of time is to prioritise tasks, opportunities, and people that matter. Instead of doing everything, effective prioritisation at work will help you focus your time on only a small number of productive activities.

This laser focus only comes from prioritising your workload and ensuring you invest your time and energy in your most important work.

If you want to increase your focus, read my tips to improve focus and concentration. There are many benefits of prioritising workload. From lowering stress to increasing productivity, prioritising your work will help you achieve bigger and better results in less time. Prioritisation helps you get more time back, increases motivation, and amplifies your focus. Use these six simple benefits of prioritising your workload to help you work smarter, not harder today.

He provides time management coaching programs and accountability coaching programs to business owners and entrepreneurs in the UK, US and Canada.


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