Why prophets are sent

Also, what will the final outcome be of those people who were not fortunate enough to hear the call of the previous Prophets. These types of questions in relation to the appointment of the Prophets are not something new and have been asked of others too. Firstly, where has it been mentioned that all the Prophets were raised up and came from the Middle East? Secondly, the environment and surroundings must be taken into consideration before appointing and designating Prophets — of which only Allah, who is the One who appoints all Prophets, is aware of.

Certainly, I fear for you the torment of a great Day! He said: 'O my people! You have no other Ilaah God but Him. Will you not fear Allah? He said: 'O my People! Why were the rest of the world ignored, don't they have the right to get a messenger from God?

Allah has not sent messengers only to Arabia, Allah has said in the Qur'an that he has sent a messenger every people:. For We assuredly sent amongst every People a messenger, with the Command "Serve Allah, and eschew Evil": of the people were some whom Allah guided, and some on whom Error became inevitably established. So travel through the earth, and see what was the end of those who denied the Truth. Do not assume that messengers were only sent to Arabia for as the Ayah above says, a messenger was sent to every people and nation.

Why did God send prophets only to Arabia? God works in mysterious ways. Christianity has the same problem to deal with. God is an evolving concept. It reached it's pinnacle at the Quran's time. You are claiming that Allah sent prophets only to Arabia and surrounding area. And in your comment you said that you gained this idea by watching a video about the graves of all prophets and you saw they are all in this region. First of all, where do you take your knowledge about prophets?

From holy scriptures: Quran, Bible, Torah and Psalm. I don't know about the last 3, but in Quran, there are stories of 25 different prophets. Does this mean that this 25 prophets are all of the prophets through the history of mankind? Actually, there is a verse opposite of this:. And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger, [saying], "Worship Allah and avoid Taghut. So proceed through the earth and observe how was the end of the deniers.

If you search a little bit, you will find that the history of mankind is more than thousand years, and the prophets mentioned in Quran lived in the last thousand years except Adam puh. Also more than few of this 25 names were the prophets of Jews. Differences like this exist in almost all aspects of life, including education; and in many of these cases society remains confused.

Therefore it becomes normal and natural for a human being to need a divine guide from God. Here, we must confess to the serious need for a guide to enlighten us in all aspects of life, in order that we may reach perfection… the ultimate goal behind our creation.

This can only be achieved with divine interference which descends down upon Prophets. God created and placed us on this path, therefore he is in need to provide a guide for us to be able to successfully complete this journey. Thus, we are in need of ethical nurturing by a divinely-selected nurturer we can completely trust and follow their footsteps.

Because a role model like this would naturally be of high, perfect and divine upbringing in all aspects, and is able to take by our hands, guide and protect us from failure, corruption and demoralization; and to plant the seed of pure ethics within our beings by his teachings and actions, along with nurturing us in the right direction — the direction of loving other human beings, faithfulness, loyalty, peace, trustworthiness and purity of the soul.

The question which remains now is, who is worthy of guiding humanity other than a divine Prophet? And the merciful lord would not deprive humanity from such divinely guiding nurturers. Human beings are an eccentric creation, complicated in structure, nature and mind. In fact, humans have sophisticated characters and personas; on one hand the human lives with the ability to cause ethical corruption and with the ability to spread goodness and righteousness.

As human beings, our desires drag us towards the loving of materialistic things, as well as love for leadership. The reason as to why God has undertaken such a methodology in clarifying the reality of things to his creations is due to the fact that the human mind is already set to understanding the ending pleasures of this world and the never-ending paradise which awaits in the hereafter.

Our minds were created to guide us to doing good and refraining from bad, and our conscience works closely with the mind to prevent any wrongdoings or oppression. Yes, humans do oppress other humans, but they too would admit that oppressing is a negative thing.


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