Abortion facts when is it legal

The doctor must tell you how long you have been pregnant and must give you a chance to ask questions and discuss your decision carefully and privately. It is unlawful for any individual to coerce you to undergo an abortion. Any physician who performs an abortion upon you without obtaining your informed consent or without affording you a private medical consultation may be liable to you for damages in a civil action at law. You are not required to pay any amount for the abortion procedure until the hour period has expired.

The father of your child is liable to assist in the support of that child, even in instances where the father has offered to pay for an abortion. The law permits adoptive parents to pay costs of prenatal care, childbirth and neonatal care. They also will assist you and your child after your child's birth, whether you choose to keep your child or to place him or her up for adoption.

Ten reasons to decriminalize and legalize early abortion. Highly restrictive abortion laws do not result in lower rates of abortion. For instance, in Western Europe, where abortion is generally permitted, the abortion rate is 12 per every women of fertile age.

In Africa and Latin America where abortion is illegal in most circumstances in the majority of countries, the rate is 29 per women and 32 per , respectively. Lack of equal access to safe and dignified health services for women experiencing undesired pregnancy is discriminatory because it only violates the rights of women. As the World Health Organization WHO has pointed out, in countries whose laws broadly allow abortion, there are fewer complications associated with unsafe abortions than in places where legal abortion is more restricted.

Nearly half of abortions worldwide are unsafe, performed by persons lacking the necessary information or skills or carried out in an environment not in conformity with minimal medical standards, or both WHO.

Statistics indicate a correlation between the number of unsafe abortions and restrictive laws: deaths associated with abortion are much more frequent in countries with highly restrictive laws 34 deaths per , childbirths than in countries with less restrictive laws 1 death or less per , childbirths. Therefore, the criminalization of abortion does not result in fewer abortions, but rather in more unsafe abortions.

For example, in Uruguay the number of complications and deaths associated with abortion were reduced to zero after the Law on Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy passed in Unsafe abortion, on the other hand, is a severe public health problem involving serious risks to the health and life of thousands of women. Nearly all safe abortions were performed in the Caribbean where they are allowed by law and are readily accessible, especially in Cuba.

Many women who have the right to a legal, safe abortion, but cannot access one due to the stigma associated with the practice. Stereotypes regarding maternity and the social construct around abortion lead to discrimination against women who make decisions about their own reproductive capacity.

The illegal interventions of judicial officials, lawyers and health professionals impede access to legal abortion and push women to resort to clandestine abortions. Already, clinics in…. Paying attention to changes in your body and cycle can help you recognize early signs of pregnancy while you have time to end the pregnancy, if you…. The Department of Justice sued Texas on Sept. Health Conditions Discover Plan Connect. Written by Julia Ries on May 19, Getty Images.

The abortion rate is declining. Abortions are considered to be very safe procedures. Younger women with financial concerns are the norm. There are several types of abortion available. The bottom line. Nearly five decades after the U. Wade decision , opponents and supporters of abortion rights are still battling over the issue in court , at the ballot box and in state legislatures.

Several states have introduced or passed new restrictions on abortion in with an eye toward giving the Supreme Court a chance to overturn its decision in Roe, and the high court agreed in May to review a Mississippi law that aims to make most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy illegal. Around six-in-ten U.

Though abortion is a divisive issue, about six-in-ten U. While abortion has long divided political partisans, the partisan gap is now considerably wider than it was in the past. Attitudes about whether abortion should be legal vary widely by religious affiliation.


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