Anno where is the love

It may have an icon of sausage but I would prefer meat or pork as the name of the good. As I love complexity my favourite production chains are usually the most complex ones. In Anno it would be wine because of the need to actually produce barrels for that, not only grapes. In Anno it would be bionic suits for the most complex production chain and the need of all factions to cooperate. I agree that fish is the main meal at the beginning of the game, but like other people, I think over the course of time many fish are needed.

I think one of the beauties of Anno this shows my age right now was, that with careful planning, you could make your start resources tools last you till you could set up your own tool production, without having to buy any … but this is just a side note.

I think one of the nicest production chains in Anno , was the production of books as a property for patricians. It captured the spirit and value of such an item at that time in a very good way. I assume something like it e. But as with every production chain, there is nothing more satisfying than a production chain that runs as smooth as silk. I really liked the cloth production in , how you would start with sheep farms and a weaver hut then later do cotton farms and the weaving mill.

It would be cool to see a later game fishery in the same fashion. Like maybe it sends out small fishing ships that can go further from shore than the little rowboats.

Nice work, shallow water is beautifully detailed. Seeing the grain fields and the mills cover the landscape makes it really beautiful. Or a more industrial production line like production of tools and weapons. Btw, you guys could also make some high tier fish production line which upgrades the lower tier ones. This helps you if your city becomes bigger and needs more fisheries.

Maybe a more industrial production line later in the game could prevent this. It could also be applied to other tier 1 or 2 production lines. I think the idea with the canned fish is nice. Later on, introduce the canned fish to the player. I always found it annoying in older Anno games that huge cities required a lot of fish.. You could make it optional. Either you go with fish till the end or you start at one point with advancing the fish production. Ofcourse there could still be a building to produce the cans for the fish.

The canned fish could give some kind of bonus, for example people require 2 xfish, but only 1x canned fish each X ticks. Gameplay aspects: — the Noria, as I always find it cool when something needs to be refilled at a point in time, especially when you can optimize it by placing it in a specific way or at a specific position etc. And for all oriental islands with a desert on them, the Noria is the beginning of most production chains.

Thought I found it annoying to always had to build more tools for one more building to finish my tool production, but starting with less resources and then optimizing the start to the max.

In short: As more you can optimize, especially when it it harder, it is more enjoying for me. Build one production chain in one hour, optimize it for the next 6 hours, thats what makes the most fun besides fighting. Maybe you can still use the idea for canned fish, and keep the fish itself in the beginning in the game. Welcome to the Anno Union. We use cookies on our website. Some of them are essential, while others help us to improve this website and your experience.

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